Events and Fellowship

Bagels and Bible
Wednesdays 10 am -12 noon

Christ Church Thrift Store
Open Wed. & Sat. 10 am-2 pm

LI reSOUND Handbell Ensemble
Sunday afternoon, June 23, 3 pm

We are very excited to host LI reSound, a talented group of handbell musicians, in Rand Hall on Sunday afternoon, June 23rd at 3 pm. Their spring performances include all Disney music so this will be a fun concert for families and children! Admission is free—donations to the group will happily be accepted. More details as they become available.

The Thrift Store is located in the basement of Christ Church. Store hours are Wednesday and Saturday 10 am-2 pm.
Come see what’s in store!

Join fellow parishioners for in-depth discussion of the scripture readings for the upcoming Sunday. Wednesday mornings, 10 am. Coffee and bagels provided.